R&D Tax Credits
As the need for more efficient, intelligent and environmentally-friendly products and services increases, the UK is quickly becoming a thriving hub for innovative businesses across a wide range of industries.
In a rapidly evolving market such as this, research and development should play a pivotal part in every business, including their tax strategy, which is why it’s important to seek tax relief or cash back where appropriate.
R&D is a large part of creating wealth within the corporate world, to rebate and re-invest.
TCS’s astute advisors employ their business and financial knowledge to help their clients navigate and stay within the lines of corporation tax relief while utilising it to its full potential.
R&D Tax Relief currently allows businesses to claim up to 24.7% of their expenditure as a tax refund or reduced tax liability for profitable SMEs and up to 33.3% of their expenditure as a cash repayment for loss-making SMEs.