Success as standard

Our well-rounded, award-winning business and financial services are designed to help our clients build strong foundations, alleviate day-to-day pressure, survive times of unrest, grab opportunities, and ultimately help our clients achieve their version of success.

Corporation Tax Relief

R&D Tax Credits

As the need for more efficient, intelligent and environmentally-friendly products and services increases, the UK is quickly becoming a thriving hub for innovative businesses across a wide range of industries.

In a rapidly evolving market such as this, research and development should play a pivotal part in every business, including their tax strategy, which is why it’s important to seek tax relief or cash back where appropriate.

R&D is a large part of creating wealth within the corporate world, to rebate and re-invest.

TCS’s astute advisors employ their business and financial knowledge to help their clients navigate and stay within the lines of corporation tax relief while utilising it to its full potential.

R&D Tax Relief currently allows businesses to claim up to 24.7% of their expenditure as a tax refund or reduced tax liability for profitable SMEs and up to 33.3% of their expenditure as a cash repayment for loss-making SMEs.

What is R&D Tax Credits?

  • Introduced in 2000 to increase innovation and create wealth in the UK through R&D.

  • Enables companies that incur costs in developing new – or improving existing – products, processes or services to receive a cash payment and/or tax deduction.

  • Works through the Corporation Tax System and has been continually improved since it was introduced.

  • The scope for qualifying activities and costs is enormous, and our team are experts in identifying them to allow our clients to innovate and grow without restriction.

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Land Remediation



Land Remediation Relief is a relief from corporation tax only. It provides a deduction of 100%, plus an additional deduction of 50%, for qualifying expenditure incurred by companies in cleaning up land acquired from a third party in a contaminated state. Land or buildings are in a contaminated state if there is contamination present as a result of industrial activity such that:

Land or buildings are in a contaminated state if there is contamination present as a result of industrial activity such that:

– it is causing relevant harm; or
– there is a serious possibility that it could cause relevant harm, or
– it is causing, or there is a serious possibility that it could cause, significant pollution in the groundwater, streams, rivers or coastal waters

Patent Box



Corporation Tax to profits earned from its patented inventions. A patent box is a special very low corporate tax regime used by several countries to incentivise research and development by taxing patent revenues differently from other commercial revenues. It is also known as intellectual property box regime, innovation box or IP box. Companies who take this route could enjoy a 10% deduction on their Corporate Tax bill, if it exploits patented inventions and innovations.


What is an EOT?

  • An EOT is a special form of employee benefit trust introduced by the Government in September 2014 in an attempt to encourage more shareholders to set up a corporate structure similar to the John Lewis model
  • The aim is to facilitate wider employee-ownership, albeit via an indirect holding
  • The incentive for owners is that the Government introduced very generous tax breaks to encourage shareholders to move to an employee-ownership model. However, in order to qualify for the tax incentives, the employee ownership needs to be structured in a particular way

Key tax benefits

If key qualifying conditions are met, the following tax benefits are available:

  • full CGT relief for the shareholders on a disposal of a controlling interest to an employee ownership trust
  • tax-free bonuses of up to £3,600 per year to each employee of the company owned by the employee ownership trust

Tungsten Corporate Service’s top priority is maximising the benefits to our clients through corporation tax relief, utilising our exemplary tax and business knowledge to add value at every opportunity.

To find out more about this service or to discuss your specific needs with a certified TCS advisor, please contact us here.

Our Key Services

Businesses of all sizes face many challenges, which is why our well-rounded, award-winning business and financial services are designed to help our clients build strong foundations, alleviate day-to-day pressure, survive times of unrest, grab opportunities, and ultimately help our clients achieve their version of success.

Corporation Tax Relief
Crisis Management
Corporate Finance

Educating and supporting our clients to enjoy success